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The Case is Altered, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2DW

Some General Information Before You Go

The walks are suitable for people of all ages and of average fitness. They are suitable for children but it is unlikely that you will make much progress with a pushchair.

Rights of Way

The paths used on these walks are on public rights of way, although some short links may be on paths provided by landowners. Some of the walks also use sections of public highway to link the paths.

Signposts and Waymarks

The starts of most paths are marked with signposts and many routes are defined with waymark arrows. The standard colours for waymark arrows are yellow for footpaths, blue for bridleways and red for byways.


Each walk links to a route defined on the Ordnance Survey maps web site which should be all that you will need. If you require more detail, or to locate adjoining public rights of way, use OS Explorer sheets 196 (Sudbury, Hadleigh & Dedham Vale) and 197 (Ipswich, Felixstowe & Harwich), which are printed at 1:25,000 scale. The blue grid squares on the maps represent 1km (0.62 miles).


The distance of each walk is provided in the index. On average you should be able to cover between 3 and 4 miles in an hour on a country walk.


Walking boots are recommended for all seasons in order to protect your feet although walking shoes and trainers are adequate for much of the year. After wet weather it might be wise to wear wellies as some of the paths can get very muddy.


You should always keep your dog on a lead in the countryside in order to avoid disturbing livestock and wildlife.


Don’t forget to take enough suitable clothing with you. When you are a mile or two from your car or nearby shelter and the heavens open up you will wish you brought that waterproof. It can get quite chilly in an unexpected breeze or when you are out of the sun so it is well to be prepared.

Country Roads

Remember your Highway Code and walk on the right-hand side of the road if there is no footway. However when you are on the inside of a blind bend, cross over to the other side so that you can be seen sooner.


Always leave gates as you find them, if livestock are controlled by the gate, make sure you close the gate securely.

Car Parking

Lock your car securely and hide any tempting valuables out of sight. Remember always to park with care and consideration for others. If you are not on a public car park (e.g. pub) you should seek permission before you leave.

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